Why am I not able to see Products in the Best Seller Slider?
This is could happen due to any of these reasons It takes up to 15 minutes for your best selling products to be synced with FoxSell. Your products will only be shown in the slider if they are synced with FoxSell. Wait for 15 minutes and check again. Example: If you just installed FoxSell on your store and enabled the widget, wait for 15 minutes if the widget doesn't show any products. FoxSell syncs your store's orders for the last 60 days to determine your best sellingFew readersHow is revenue attributed to FoxSell Slider?
Revenue attribution is the amount of sales generated by FoxSell Slider for your store. When a logged in customer clicks on FoxSell Slider or add the product the cart from the slider and places the order for that product in the next 24 hours, we attribute that sale to FoxSell. As of now, it only works for logged in customers. (https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/6203Few readers